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The Korean American Community
Association of Washington DC promotes the civic, cultural, educational, and social interests of the more than 250,000 Korean Americans in the Greater Washington geographical area (District of Columbia, Maryland, Northern Virginia)

We are a non-profit 501(c)(3), non-partisan community organization established to promote the civic, cultural, educational, and social interests of the Korean American Community of Greater Washington through our activities, projects, and programs.

대리석 표면

KACAGW commerated the 106th Anniversary of the March 1st Independence Movement Day, Korean Name: 삼일절 All Korean Americans should always take time to commemorate this day of great significance in Korea's history. 


Wishing all KACAGW members, friends, and supporters a Happy New Year! May 2025 be filled with growth, good health, and increased prosperity!

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KACAGW President Stella Yo presents Donation to Major Erin Weeks, Station Commander, Mason District Police Station. The donation is in appreciation of the station's officers keeping our community safe and will fund officer's meals during the holidays. KACAGW members also donated and wrapped toys that will be given as Christmas presents to needy children in the community. 

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Congratulations to Stella Yo on election as new 5th President of KACAGW and Chairman Dongwon Choi.  Thanks to Election Committee Chairman James Fischer (Executive Director, Korean War Veterans Association) for certifying the election results.

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KACAGW congratulates everyone who exercised their civic duty and voted for their candidate of choice in this recent election. KACAGW encourages all its members to participate in our democratic process.

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The KACAGW food booth at Taste of Annandale was a great success - all food was sold out by 2:00 p.m. 
Annandale community showed their love for authentic Korean food. Thanks to our members, volunteers and all who came out to support this community wide event. 
Thanks to Joe Nam Do and the staff of the Annandale Rotary Club

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79th National Liberation Day of Korea - August 15th 2024. The National Liberation Day of Korea is a public holiday celebrated annually on 15 August in Korea, as well as in the US among Korean Americans. It commemorates the day when Korea was liberated from 35 years of Japanese colonial rule. The day also coincides with the anniversary of the founding of South Korea in 1948. I urge all Korean Americans to remembeer this important holiday and celebrate our freedoms.

Membership is open to any adult person of Korean descent living in the Greater Washington geographical area (District of Columbia, Maryland, Northern Virginia).

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